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The Cause of Hair fall in the Monsoon and How to Prevent it

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Worried of having hair loss before every monsoon? With these simple strategies for preventing hair loss during the monsoon, you won't have to suffer to the humidity any more.

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Why does hair fall during the monsoon?

The extra moisture in the air causes your strands to stretch, which results hair frizz. As a result, the hair becomes breakable, dry, and brittle.

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How to stop hair fall in monsoon?

Simple changes to your hair care regimen are all that are required if you're wondering how to avoid hair fall in monsoon.

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If you get caught in the rain or getting your hair wet, attempt to wash the rainwater out of your hair as soon as possible. However, avoid using too hot water.

Wash with a gentle shampoo

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Hot oil treatment

Heating the oil makes it easier for your scalp and hair to absorb it, which stimulates hair growth and hydrates your hair so that it is less likely to split.

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Avoid heat styling tools without protection

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Dealing with frizzy, split ends, and other hair problems right away will prevent the damaged cuticles from moving up the hair shaft and causing breaking.


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Don’t brush wet hair

The hair is weakest when it is wet. Allow your hair to dry before removing the tangles with a wide-toothed comb.

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Hair conditioning

Your hair will become dry in the humidity, so you must moisturize them. After each time you shampoo, use a conditioner.

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