Dr Karen Pike Opens Up About Stomach Issues and Menopause

Stomach issues and menopause are two significant factors that often have an impact that is much more profound than you think. Dr. Karen Pike, a leading healthcare professional, has a few pearls of wisdom that can benefit those battling the same.

Dr. Pike says, “Doing simple things can improve the situation and ensure that you can slowly improve the implications caused by menopause. During such years, stomach health goes down drastically, and this starts to have an overall impact on the digestive health.”

So, ladies, if you are going through this challenging time, remember that we are in this together.

Menopause And Stomach Issues – Deciphering The Underlying Link

Hello, Dr. Pike. Today, we will discuss how menopause and stomach issues are interrelated.

Question: Women who are already in their menopause or are approaching their menopausal years are more prone to hormonal fluctuations. Why so?

Dr. Pike: In many instances, hormones regulate the body’s functioning and ensure that even important bodily functions like digestion are smooth. During these years, there is a major decline in the levels of estrogen, and this is what leads to severe stomach issues.

Question: What is the role of estrogen production in this entire system?

Dr. Pike: Estrogen helps one maintain the health of the gastrointestinal tract. Because the levels of estrogen start declining, this ends up affecting the digestive power as well. Not only that, but the balance of the gut bacteria is also at stake, which can contribute significantly to stomach problems.

Taking significant steps to maintain gut health and being disciplined can improve your stomach issues.

Question: Which are the most common stomach issues during the menopause years?

Dr. Pike: Women get several types of digestive issues during menopause. Some of these are acid reflux, heartburn, bloating, and gas.

Question: Can you give us an insight into how acid reflux gets ignited during menopause?

Dr. Pike: While acid reflux and heartburn are quite common, during menopause, the tenacity becomes much more complex and regular. The low estrogen level in the body is a major reason your lower esophageal sphincter might get weak.

This is one of the major reasons why the acid keeps flowing back into the sphincter, ultimately causing recurrent acid reflux and heartburn. The discomfort levels can be higher when consuming oily or greasy food items.

Question: What is the impact of menopause on bloating?

Dr. Pike: Women are much more prone to feel bloated during the menopausal years. The changes in the level of hormones are a major reason the body feels bloated.

Often, during menopause, digestion takes more time, so the feeling of bloating seems persistent. The bloating is much more common during the morning, and sometimes, it can last for the entire day. The motility of the gastrointestinal tract ends up causing bloating.

Question: How does menopause affect nausea?

Dr. Pike: Nausea and menopause almost go hand in hand, and it is common in women who are approaching the menopause years as well. The body’s hormonal fluctuations during this time are a major reason you might feel nauseated. The discomfort can sometimes lead you to throw up.

Nausea is common during the time of menopause because of high levels of stress as well as the body’s inability to digest well. If you feel that you are nauseated more often than you should, and it has become a regular part of everyday life, you must get in touch with your healthcare professional.

Question: Is there any relationship between constipation and menopause?

Dr. Pike: Another very common stomach issue that is seen in almost all women who are in menopause is constipation. If you see that constipation has become the new norm of your life during menopause, blame the hormones and your inability to digest food easily. Constipation can also regulate the estrogen functioning in your body, which can hinder your normal bowel movement.

Not only that, during this time, women take up a lot of medication. Sometimes, the various combinations of medicines are a major reason you might feel constipated.

Women often do not focus on a higher fiber diet during the menopause years, and this can also be a major reason why you might be going through constipation.

Question: Please suggest some methods to eliminate stomach issues during menopause.

Dr. Pike: It is important to understand that during menopause, your body is changing rapidly. Hence, there are a lot of elements that you could previously digest easily, but right now, your body won’t accept those.

Opt for a diet with very high levels of fiber, as it can help you with higher metabolic activities. Not only that, you have to increase your protein intake.

Go easy on the carbs, but do not eliminate them because your body needs energy. Adding more greens to your diet can help you greatly during the menopausal years and aid you with stomach issues.

Question: We have often heard that stress can be a major deterrent and impact your stomach issues during menopause. Is that true?

Dr. Pike: Stress and menopause are an extremely bad combination, and hence, you need to make sure that you do not make your body go through the same. Stress is a silent killer during menopause, and it can amplify stomach issues more than you think.

Always try to follow simple stress-releasing activities like yoga or even deep breathing and meditation activities to help you manage your stress better. Chronic stress can lead to a decline in hormone levels, leading to a decline in optimum stomach functioning.

Question: Does exercise impact the relationship between menopause and stomach issues?

Dr. Pike: Making your body exercise regularly is extremely important during menopause, particularly if you have stomach issues. Exercising ensures that you can maintain your weight, which in turn stabilizes a lot of functions.

It does not mean you must get involved in very high functional training. You can go for a walk or even just weight training in the gym thrice a week. You are good to go as long as you are making the body move.

Question: Should you take any medication to get relief from this condition?

Dr. Pike: Medication can help you if you want momentary relief and do not make the practice regular. Some over-the-counter medications, like antacids, can relieve your acidity levels and make you feel better. However, it would help if you did not decide which medication to consume completely alone.

Asking your healthcare professional is the best way to get long-term solutions that do not hamper the other functions of your body.

Question: Finally, what do you say about menopause and its impact on women?

Dr. Pike: Menopause is a natural happening; it is how your body matures and prepares itself for the years to come next. It is better to not deal with menopause as a problem but as an important stage of life.

Understanding how your body functions and the underlying mechanisms help you deal with it more efficiently.


Through her expertise and extensive practice in the field, Dr. Karen Pike continues to become a poignant name in menopause-related complications. She empowers women through this journey and embraces menopause with positivity. Women often go through a lot of issues during and before menopause and find it difficult to express the same. Always ensure that you consult a professional doctor before you take any medication.