The Smart Shopper’s Handbook – How to Buy Supplements Like a Pro

While a balanced diet is the best way to meet your vitamin and mineral needs, under certain circumstances, supplements are necessary. Learn how to shop for supplements like a pro by following these simple strategies.

Make a List of Your Supplements Needs

With a growing awareness of healthy eating habits, more disposable income, and greater access to information about product efficacy, there is a huge worldwide market for vitamin and food supplements. This is resulting in an increasingly competitive industry.

You should thoroughly understand your supplement needs to make the most of this opportunity. This can be done by evaluating your dietary intake with the help of a dietitian.

A healthy, balanced diet may be sufficient for the ordinary person, negating the need for supplements. However, for higher-risk groups like young vegans and vegetarians or those who suffer from heavy menstrual bleeding or malabsorption issues, it can be very helpful. When looking at a supplement’s label, look for each nutrient’s %DV (percentage daily value). This shows the percentage of the nutrient’s recommended daily allowance that the product contains.

Read Reviews

The dietary supplement industry is highly unregulated, and it can be challenging to tell which products are high quality and which are a waste of money (or potentially even dangerous). Reading reviews like the ASEA Reviews is one way to separate the wheat from the chaff and ensure you purchase a product to help you reach your health goals.

Read Labels

Most people know to check labels when buying food, but only some know that the same is true for dietary supplements. There are numerous varieties of supplements, such as capsules, tablets, liquids, and powders. The label on a dietary supplement can contain important information, like the type and amount of nutrients in a serving.

The FDA doesn’t monitor dietary supplements like drugs, so it’s important to read labels. Examining the Supplement Facts panel on a product’s label is the best place to start.

The Supplement Facts panel contains most of the fundamental information about a dietary supplement. It includes a product name, serving size, ingredients, nutrient amounts, and other helpful information. The panel is also likely to contain important warnings, allergen disclaimers, and instructions for how to take the product.

Compare Prices

Traditionally, supplement users must spend hours moving from one website to another, carefully comparing prices and formulations. Unfortunately, this is often difficult or impossible.

Smart shoppers know how much things cost and will compare prices at several stores and online before purchasing. They also take advantage of seasonal sales, i.e., buy now, save later!

Visit sites that allow you to compare a single nutrient between two different supplements by entering each product’s price, servings, and units per serving. It calculates and displays the lower unit price for you. The price comparisons are always accurate and up to date, as prices in the supplements industry fluctuate daily.

Shop Around

Smart shoppers know their prices and compare them at a few stores and online before purchasing. They also stock when merchandise is at its lowest cost, such as buying garden tools in September instead of April or holiday items just before or after Christmas.

Smart shoppers are careful to stick to their budgets, which are not just guidelines but essential to keeping them from overspending. They also think about their purchases in advance, often letting important purchases simmer until they are doubly sure they need them. This helps them avoid buying on impulse and keeps their homes clutter-free.