Why Do People Rely on Photo Facials for Their Skin? Explore the Reasons!

Skin tolerates lots of abuse the entire day and becomes damaged. Some genetic or hormonal conditions also threaten its flawlessness. You witness all these as spots, sunburns, freckles, birthmarks, and more.

Everyone wants to get rid of them but fears undergoing any intensive or invasive procedure. If you belong to the same tribe, a minimally invasive treatment like photo facials can be your pick. Let’s learn about it quickly. 

Why Do People Rely on Photo Facials for Their Skin?

  • A broad-spectrum light-based skin treatment option

You may have heard about laser therapies that treat skin conditions with a single beam. However, methods like IPL therapy are advanced as they use different wavelengths of light on the skin to correct its flaws.

Light from a handheld device is sent into the pigmented skin cells to eliminate them. Specialists use filters and settings based on the target area to let the light heat it so the blemishes are erased while preserving the normal cells.

IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light. Whether skin discoloration, redness, sun marks, wrinkles, or something else, IPL photofacial treats them in 20 to 30 minutes. You may need to visit a clinic for three to four sessions to enjoy clear skin.

  • IPL treatment preparation

Like any other procedure, taking certain precautions is mandatory. For example, one should avoid sun tanning for a month before the treatment. Darker cells can prevent the light from targeting the damaged cells.

It will also be better to stay away from tanning lotions. Please tell the skin expert about aspirin, ibuprofen, or other blood thinners you may be using. This treatment may cause a bit of bruising, which may worsen due to those medications.

Alcohol consumption must stop to keep your skin well-hydrated. Also, there shouldn’t be any makeup or skincare product residues on the skin, even during the examination.

  • IPL treatment effects and recovery

Everyone loves this skin therapy for requiring zero downtime. You can resume your work immediately following the therapy. Only keep yourself safe from sun exposure. Skin can appear red for a few days or a week. Even slight bruising can also be visible.

Sometimes, coffee-colored spots can emerge on the face. But these are damaged cells that will soon flake off. However, the best results always depend on the aftercare regime. For example, there should be safer moisturizers and cleansers in your rack.

Protect your skin with good sunscreen when stepping out. Direct sunlight should be avoided for a minimum of four weeks. You can skip Glycolic or Retinol acid products for a few days following the procedure. In the first 24 hours, your face will benefit from frequent cool compresses. It can alleviate pain.

Some patients worry about side effects. While it’s a valid concern, every treatment comes with a few minor and rare risks. For instance, you can experience a little sunburn sensation following the photofacial process. Too much heat can cause blistering in the pigmented area.

However, these side effects usually resolve independently, or the specialist can suggest a suitable solution. If you want to eliminate or reduce these factors, choose only a trusted medical spa in your city for help. Their expertise, equipment, and knowledge can make this entire thing safer.